Overview is a national portal dedicated to fostering the growth and development of startups in Algeria. Launched as part of the country’s strategic efforts to diversify its economy and promote innovation, serves as a comprehensive resource hub for entrepreneurs, investors, and incubators. is the official national portal established to support and enhance the startup ecosystem in Algeria. Launched by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Startups, and Micro Enterprises, serves as a comprehensive resource hub for entrepreneurs, investors, and incubators, providing a wide range of services and information to foster innovation and entrepreneurial growth. Objectives and Mission

The primary mission of is to centralize and streamline access to essential resources for startups in Algeria. The portal’s mission is to promote a dynamic and innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem by offering support across various stages of a startup’s lifecycle, from inception to growth. Key Services and Programs Certifications

Certified Startup: This certification grants access to various state-provided facilities such as fiscal exemptions and other benefits. To qualify, companies must meet criteria including being less than eight years old, demonstrating significant innovation, showing potential for substantial growth, and having annual revenues below a set threshold.

Certified Innovative Project: This certification is designed for project holders who have not yet created their company, allowing them access to similar advantages as the “Startup” certification, promoting early-stage innovation and development.

Certified Incubator: For organizations that support startups, this certification provides recognition and access to additional resources and networking opportunities Funding and Financial Support

Algeria Startup Fund (ASF): ASF is a public venture capital company that finances startups with the “Startup” certification. It offers both equity and quasi-equity funding, established through collaboration between the Ministry of Startups and six public banks.

Additional Funding Options: The platform also provides information on other funding sources, including public and private investment funds

Incubation and Acceleration

Algeria Venture: This accelerator program offers comprehensive support, including mentorship, training, and financial assistance. It nurtures startups through their growth stages by providing resources and strategic guidance.

Directory of Incubators and Accelerators: A list of facilities across Algeria that offer incubation and acceleration services, providing startups with infrastructure, mentorship, and business support

Networking Initiatives

Weekly Startup events organized at the Ministry’s headquarters to facilitate networking among startups, project leaders, and industry experts.

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